Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Grandest of Canyons

"Do nothing to mar its grandeur for the ages have been at work on it and man cannot improve it. Keep it for your children, your children's children and all who come after you." Theodore Roosevelt

Grand Canyon National Park

We hit 3,000 miles of driving on our way south to the Grand Canyon … since our tour was canceled, we made a brief but fun drive-by visit. We drove from the East Entrance of the South Rim to the South Entrance. We stopped at the Watch Tower and then enjoyed ice cream cones at the Bright Angel Lodge. Mint chocolate-chip ice cream brought back memories of 1992 when Don, Kim and Corinne visited here with Gerry and Pat Haughey. Corinne had her first taste of ice cream at this exact spot.
First glimpse of the canyon

Psalm 66:4

We think this is the mule trail below!

Don kept us all tightly reigned in - no going to the edge for this family! Grandparents, you're welcome!

On the steps of the Watchtower

The Watchtower at the east entrance

Mint chocolate chip - same place, fifteen years later

The rim of the Grand Canyon

Sun is getting ready to set

On the edge

The Grandest of Canyons


Gerry said...

Hi Kim and all, ok Now I am getting all choked up and teary eyed :) God is so good and so cool...there you are at the same place with all your blessings with sharing this. love to all...gerry (&family)

Peggy said...

That is so cool God is Glorified and honored there as he should be. How else could anything so magnificent be made but by the hands of God!
Glory Be to God!!!!
I cant wait to see all your pictures.
Oh what wonderful memories you are making!!!

Connie Z. said...

you guys look like you're have a blast.

hey, i want you to know it looks like i'll be in town this year and offering private lessons. i'd love to work with Kendall...

so give me a call when you get back if you're interested.

enjoy your trip!

LindC said...

picture 4 is pretty much the most beautiful one i've seen! i love how all the shirt colors make a rainbow. and wow, i'm so proud to see that my shirt has traveled all the way to the Grand Canyon on the lovely Christiana.