Sunday, July 22, 2007

Four Corners Of Fun

We left Durango after a very short visit and made our way to the Four Corners. We passed Mesa Verde (we can’t do everything) and drove through the desert. Although it was desolate and hot it was beautiful. The Four Corners is the only place in the United States where four states come together at one place. Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado meet at the Four Corners. Here a person can put each of their hands and feet in four states at the same time. The unique landmark is on Navajo Nation land.

Kim and the girls took the opportunity to shop for Native American jewelry at the many vending stands. Unlike Mexico you do not see much in the way of bargaining at the stands. The prices were good anyway. Don bought some very unique monopoly pieces. Which he expects will give him a great advantage in games of chance (not really but they will be the only pieces like them on the east coast) that require mini statues.

We missed a day of posts because of poor or no internet service so will hope to get everything updated in the next couple of days.


Mel said...

Great Pics, Glab family!! :)

Peggy said...

Oh how I wish I were with you!!!!!
You are just totally being missed back here! I'm glad to see you are having such a good time! Oh what wonderful memories you are making :)!!!

nelly said...

love the way kimberly is in four places at once! ;) I love seeing pictures of you all! we miss you!

Peggy said...

And to think Corinne thought there would be no time to sun yourselves. Looks like you are all doing a pretty good job here. I hope you all have on your sunscreen :) Kim I hope you got your time in too and it just didn't get put on the blog. You can't be the only pail face in the bunch. Thats okay you can look like me, I can't be in the sun either. Keep awake to your next destination!!!!

LindC said...

were there many people around while you guys were there? for us, there was a solitary trailor where we got some indian frybread. haha, miss peggy, you are cracking me up!! i miss you girls so much but i'm so glad you get to see all that beauty