Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Friday Fun!

Hey this is Kendall. SO ... I was driving home from school with with my mom and my sisters on Good Friday, this also happened to be the last school day before spring break, so I was pretty excited to be out of school for a week. Then, on top of that my mom said, "And oh yeah, Kendall, one of your favorite babysitting families called and would like you to babysit at 4:30 (one hour later!) I was even more excited!! These kids are one of my all time favorite families! So I grabbed my mom's camera and headed out the door. Being able to babysit them made my day and I was so blessed to be able to spend time with them.

In their family there are triplets ~ wonderful nine year olds who always greet me with a smile and a hug. They are such servants and I so appreciate their love for one another as siblings. Their younger sister is four and she is a bundle of energy and loves to make everyone smile and laugh (especially me!)

Trampoline Jumping Fun with their friends!

The sun is getting ready to set - but we weren't done jumping yet!

We had so much fun on the trampoline... and then we watched Enchanted (ha, ha the boys loved it) with their friends (love ya Brielle!) And we played a great game they taught me before their parents got home. To all you girls who babysit - the game is great and the kids love it and it's great for those, "uh what now?" moments. Its a scenario game where one person picks a situation and you have to act out how you would react (in the funniest way possible).

For example: Your dad just came home with a brand new WiiYep! It was fun! We also did things like, "If you were going on a roller coaster," and "If you were a princess being rescued by a brave knight from a fire breathing dragon."

I just wanted to say thanks to these wonderful kids whom I love so much and I can't wait to babysit again! Love You Guys!

1 comment:

The Falcon said...

Kendall, You are great! The kids really love that you come over and spend time with them! A date night for mom and dad is a date night for the kids too!
Love, the Falciones