Friday, December 5, 2008

:: Tag we're it! ::

Okay ... so my good friend JeanBean tagged us in a silly blogging game. According to her rules, once you've been tagged, you go to your sixth picture folder, find your sixth photograph and blog your memories of the photo. Well.... we have a sad computer story. Yep, I don't have a sixth folder right now. You see ... I was working hard on the cruise photo's (see former October posts) and we transferred all of my picture folders to an external hard drive. Well, me and the hard drive were sitting at the kitchen table, and ---bang --- it was knocked to the floor. And apparently, those external hard drives are very delicate creatures, because ours broke. So for now, I went to my first file folder and grabbed the sixth picture .... Christiana ... on her first ever volleyball team! She played this fall for the "Glowing Bananas" a MVSA rec team. Her coaches Missy and Christine, two local high school girls, guided the Glowing B's to first place. And when they played the end of the season tournament, they won! And so, our little one is hooked on volleyball. She tried out for their club team and made the 12 and under team. She is very excited about this new adventure.

So in my sixth photo - Christiana is posing with her volleyball, her first place medal and in her Glowing Banana uniform. :) We've sprouted out of the basketball shell! Maybe there's another "spiking viking" (my former high school team!) in the making!

And to continue this tag game ... I'll tag my buddy Maria over at Farmviewer to see what she's up to! And let's see if Judy and LeeAnne want to play too. :) Ladies, try to find the sixth picture file, sixth photo - and feel free to tag six bloggers.

Tag, your it!