Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday - Back to Work - The Rain Stayed Away

This morning's devotions lead by Andrew ...After the rain came ... frogs - tons of frogs all over the place.
The kids enjoyed the rain and the water left behind ...
And the work crews were back at work ...
The fence crew is determined to break the record number of fence poles placed ...

And tonight ... the teens will most likely hang out again in the "sombrero" where they'll play cards and guitars just like last night ...
We chatted with Don for about five minutes tonight - it was 6:30pm Guadalupe time and the crews were cleaning up for the day. It was a long day of work for everyone. The rain held-off and they were able to get a lot of work done again today - Thank you Lord.

We are keeping you all in our prayers --- we miss you all --- what a wonderful job you are doing for the Glory of your Lord.
"We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Thessalonians 1:3


Gerry said...

wow, makes you wish you were there.

Gerry said...

oh, also, i was wondering? does the water flood inside where the children sleep? it looks like it came right up to the door?

Gerry said...

Do we know how the boy is that fell off the playground? Can we get mulch or recycled tires to be put down under the playground to cushion any falls? they could build something so it wouldn't wash away?
Can we build drainage or something too?