Thursday, October 11, 2007

Youth Care Group and Games

Webster Defines Memory:1 a : the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms 2 a : a particular act of recall or recollection b : an image or impression of one that is remembered

Webster Defines Game: 1 a (1) : activity engaged in for diversion or amusement 2 a : a procedure or strategy for gaining an end 3 a (1) : a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other

Kim Defines Our Care Group Memory Game as:
:: the power or process of recalling learned information in a mental competition for diversion or amusement! The act of recalling TEN details about someone without forgetting … a hard game that can be awkward if you have no memory recall::

Many were amused at our first youth care group gathering this fall. We have the best youth care group out there and they proved to have the best memories as they met for the first time and got to know one another….

i remember ... i remember

it's easier to remember when your eyes are closed

John won the “NO DISCO BOB” t-shirt prize, what a blessing since his favorite band is PDI Worship! =)
We're so blessed to have you all in our lives. We can't wait to see what God has in store for our group this year. We'll keep updating the care group's games and events on our blog ... stay tuned for your photo!

(Here ya go Michelle, thanks for being so patient **cough** =)

Photo Credit - Corinne

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Princess Aboo and Queen Christiana

Last week, we had the privilege of hosting a few Maka girls at our home. One evening, Kendall grabbed the camera and asked Abigail and Christiana if they wanted to play dress-up. Whola, may I present Kendall's wonderful images of Princess Aboo and Queen Christiana ... Beautiful!